When Helmut Newton established his foundation in the fall of 2003, he donated several hundred original photographs as a permanent loan which have been preserved by the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation). For its tenth anniversary, the Helmut Newton Foundation is premiering around 200 of these photographs, under the title Permanent Loan Selection.
These prints, mainly never shown in Berlin before, are presented in separate rooms according to the three main genres of his work: portraits, nudes, and fashion. These includes numerous portraits of well-known personalities, such as Catherine Deneuve, Paloma Picasso, Karl Lagerfeld, and David Bowie. The fashion photographs, shot like the others in black and white as well as in colour, were mostly editorial assignments for renowned magazines that were commissioned primarily in the 1970s and 1980s. Newton’s life-sized Big Nudes were taken in 1980 in Paris; five of them have adorned the walls of the museum lobby since the Foundation first opened. The exhibition also presents other life-sized nudes.
Finally, in June’s Room, visitors are able to experience a selection of enlarged contact sheets featuring various constellations of figures, offering a unique view into Newton’s work process.
In „June’s Room“ schließlich begegnen dem Besucher eine Auswahl vergrößerter Kontaktbögen mit unterschiedlichen Figurenkonstellationen, die einen ungewöhnlichen Einblick in Newtons Arbeitsprozess gewähren.